Thankful Thursday 11-5-15 (One Hundredth)

So, it’s November. Brilliant opening line, I know, but it’s what I’ve got at the moment. 🙂 I’ve also got a tired brain, because going to bed when I “should” hasn’t been working too well this week, but hey. At least I got up in time to take a shower this morning, which along with having done laundry last night means clean everything. Well, not necessarily everything, I didn’t change the sheets, or vacuum [side note: two “u”s? Seriously?], or get my new PJs out, or…

Anyway, aside from the tired, I’ve got plenty of things to be thankful for this week. I am thankful for:

  • the wonder of wireless printing
  • new ink cartridges
  • the enthusiastic Dutch lady who comes to pick up the vegetable scraps from the kitchen at work for her chickens, because she makes me smile (plus, her taking the scraps makes the trash bags lighter and the dumpster smell less)

    Red hen looking at camera through chicken wire

    Gallina/ chicken, Honduras, 3/2/15

  • frozen root beer floats (a good way to use up flat root beer) – put some chunks of vanilla ice cream in a plastic cup, pour whatever root beer is left in the bottle over the ice cream, put it in your freezer, stir every half-hour-ish (depending how impatient you are), and when it gets to the consistency you want, enjoy! I recommend using a spoon instead of a straw, though, because otherwise you suck all the liquid out and the crystals that are left aren’t as good on their own. If you have something like an immersion blender (and think root beer is worth using it on), that would solve the issue.
  • that it wasn’t raining this afternoon when I took the garbage out, though it’s raining now
  • the delicious chicken quesadilla with jalapeño bits I had for lunch today

There you have it. Oh, looking back at last week, – spoiler alert – the New Zealand All Blacks won the Rugby World cup on Saturday, which was fun to watch, even if I missed part of the game. They’re the first team to win the cup, which is every four years, back-to-back. So that was pretty cool to see. Also, thanks to my baseball fan father, I got to watch the Kansas City Royals win the (American Baseball) World Series, which was also fun. So, lots of happy sports fans this week. 🙂

So here’s to cheerful people, useful de-carbonated beverages, and wonderful functioning printers. Sports fan or not, do you have anything you’re thankful for this week? Do you like root beer? 🙂

P.S. Assuming I’ve categorized and tagged them all right and I’m looking at the right information, I believe this is my 100th Thankful Thursday post. The anniversary-celebrator in me feels like I should make a bigger deal out of this, but the rest of me is just tired. 😛 A hundred weeks of written thankfulness out of two and a half years of blogging is really pretty good, though.

About Ruth

I am a Missionary Kid (MK) enjoying navigating this life with the unique viewpoint that has given me.
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4 Responses to Thankful Thursday 11-5-15 (One Hundredth)

  1. Aunt Susan says:

    Excellent job on your 100th anniversary 🙂 and Root Beer is great!


  2. I haven’t had root beer in so long… I don’t think they have it here in NZ, but apparently you don’t have Lemon Lime & Bitters in the US, so I guess we’re even!


  3. Mandy says:

    I’m thankful for sunshine-y days after so much rain (but also thankful for the rain since we needed it so badly!).


  4. Joanna says:

    Yes! DO celebrate any and every little thing that comes along 🙂


Any thoughts?