Thankful Thursday 1-8-15

I know, I know, I missed a golden opportunity to post both my Christmas and New Year’s Thankful Thursday lists on the actual days themselves. But, y’know, life happens too, and I was having too much fun to stop and blog. 🙂 Between my post-Christmas list and this one, though, I’ve had enough thankful things to make up for missing the New Year’s Day list. 🙂

Over the last week and a half, I have found many things to be thankful for. Here are the ones I remembered long enough to write down:

  • my new pink fuzzy gloves picked out by my nephew himself – especially when said nephew gets cabin fever and wants to play soccer outside when it’s 25 degrees 🙂
  • movies that are fun for the whole family – we watched Disney’s Planes: Fire & Rescue on New Year’s Eve, since my nephew loved the first one, and it was funny and intense in places and clean and fun, even if not earth-shatteringly brilliant

    light snow under grey skies from my bedroom window

    Dreary winter morning, 1/6/15

  • not waking up with a headache New Year’s Day, since I went to bed with one
  • that when I bashed my toe on New Year’s Day so solidly that it later turned blue and purple and hurt to move for a while, it was my fourth toe and not the littlest one, because then I could still wear shoes, since winter in my corner of the world is not a time for sandals (thankfully, the pretty colors are now fading and I can move it again, though it is still a bit stiff)
  • getting to visit my friend L, whom I’ve known since eighth grade, but hadn’t seen in two years, and meet her wonderful little four month old boy
  • safe holiday travels
  • that I don’t live or work outside, as we have had negative windchills with 20 to 30 mile an hour winds and a small amount of snow this week
  • that along my commute, when they resurfaced a section of the road this year, they appear to have also corrected a drainage issue that would result in water running across the road, which is especially good to avoid ice with these temperatures

I hope you enjoyed your holidays as well and stayed safe. If you live in the half of the world that is cold this time of year, I hope you’re able to stay warm. If you live in the half that is warm, enjoy it for me. 😉 Do you have anything to be thankful for in this first week of the new year? The comment box is always open!

About Ruth

I am a Missionary Kid (MK) enjoying navigating this life with the unique viewpoint that has given me.
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1 Response to Thankful Thursday 1-8-15

  1. Joanna says:

    Ruth, so glad you were busy having fun with friends and family in real life!


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