Thankful Thursday 12-31-15

Momentum is a funny thing with blogging.

I unintentionally shut down the blog for three months this summer, while being unemployed and then moving halfway across the country and starting a new job. Then I started easing my way back into writing with a Thankful Thursday post or two. After that I did the blog overhaul I’d been meaning to do for months and wrote the big update post. That set me up for November, in which I wasn’t going to makeΒ it formal, but planned to post twice a week all month for NaBloPoMo.

Well, that worked until I missed one Thursday, by virtue of being tired enough to fall asleep early on the couch, so I thought I’d move to the bedroom and sleep more instead of posting late… only one of the books on my nightstand shelf jumped me and I wound up reading until much too late. Then the post I had planned for that Tuesday got caught up in the draft stage. The next Thursday I was busy checking the clock every five minutes to see if it it was time yet to leave for the Hunger Games: Mockingjay Part 2 premier with my friend. And then the momentum was lost and I couldn’t figure out how to start gracefully again.

So, here I am, snatching the last Thursday on the last day of the year to try to pushstart my blog one more time. I’ve still got that draft, which I may whip into shape one of these days, and I’ve got something I wrote by hand the other night that needs some similar work. I’ve started a Thankful Thursday list in my head a half-dozen or more times since my last one. So it’s not like I have nothing to write and there are always things to be thankful for.

sun glinting over horizon below deep blue sky

Sunset, 12/26/13

Things like:

  • spending time with family for the holidays, including my nephew Z, who is almost one and is a delight
  • laughing till your eyes start leaking
  • brain-stretching, vocabulary-mining word games (did you know that wive is a word?)
  • time off from work to rest and recharge (especially since it looks like the first week of January will be busy and complicated)
  • whoever invented baby wipes
  • that my chopping skills learned doing food prep at work translated well to helping my sister-in-law E make a massive batch of potato soup yesterday for sharing with three families she knows who just had babies
  • that even though this has been my leanest blogging year since I started, people will still read this, and my stats tell me at least one person has been manually checking my page this week to see if I’m still around (thanks for not giving up on me!)
  • little boy giggles with wrinkled noses – and pint-sized monster sounds πŸ™‚
  • family traditions that carry on, through the years and across the miles, plus or minus family members

Now the year is winding down. Hopefully I’ll pick back up on the blogging in the coming year, but I know enough about me and winters to know not to count on anything for sure. πŸ˜› But the aforementioned family is waiting for me to come start the board game, so any more reflections on the year behind or ahead will have to wait. Thanks for reading and Happy New Year to you and yours!


About Ruth

I am a Missionary Kid (MK) enjoying navigating this life with the unique viewpoint that has given me.
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8 Responses to Thankful Thursday 12-31-15

  1. Hello from 2016! Come on in, it’s lovely!


  2. Susan Gossner says:

    Happy New Year! Thanks for the update. It’s great to hear from you, and maybe we’ll even get to see you tomorrow morning on your way home. YEA!


  3. Aunt Susan says:

    Glad your back and happy to hear you had a wonderful holdiday time with family! Love you!


  4. Joanna says:

    Praying you through the winter and looking forward to seeing you more online soon (and if that doesn’t happen, it’s okay, too!).


  5. Pingback: Thankful Thursday 1-14-16 | A Road on My Journey

  6. Pingback: Thankful Thursday 9-8-16 | A Road on My Journey

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